Utilization of geological formation for energy and storage purpose

The subsurface area, encompassing the technologically achievable depths of the Earth’s crust, is influenced by various processes such as energy production and storage, raw material mining, and waste disposal. The media used in these processes cause reversible and non-reversible changes in the geological formation, including chemical, physico-chemical, and geochemical alterations.

The current challenges of our time, including climate change, energy security, protection of drinking water resources, decarbonization efforts, and responsible mineral resource management, necessitate a holistic approach to research and development. This involves studying the entire process chain with a focus on achieving the smallest ecological footprint and meeting the social need for sustainable development. A fundamental aspect of this approach is the conscious, environment-oriented, and synergistic utilization of geological formations for energy and storage purposes.


  • Project generation
  • Project preparation
  • Compilation and design of special measurement programs and device prototypes
  • Creating analog models
  • Computer modeling (heat transport, rock mechanical models, utilization and accumulation of fluids in formations)
  • Construction management and supervision
  • Investigation of rock mechanical aspects of radioactive waste storage formations


  • Nano-K – measurement of extreme low permeability
  • PermeaMaster – measurement of gas permeability
  • LiquiPerm – rock fluid compatibility
  • Quantachrome 1200e – measurement of helium porosity
  • Pascal 140, Pascal 440 – measurement of mercury injection porosity and pore size distribution
  • CorExport Western Atlas – measurement of pore volume compressibility
  • Ultra Rock Centrifuge, devices for displacement measurements


  • PULSE GINOP project – Development of enhanced engineering methods for utilizing subterranean energy resources
  • GEOCORE geological knowledge center
  • In the preparatory phase of the MOL Szőreg underground gas storage facility implementation, design, and manufacture of a prototype model equipment operating in the 180 bar pressure range for testing the physical stability of core samples, including measurements to assess the suitability of the area.

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