Hydrodynamic analysis of liquids, rheological measurements, determination of non-Newtonian behaviour (pseudoplasticity, dilatancy, reopexia, thixotropy), fluence, kinematic and dynamic viscosity

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  • Hydrodynamic analysis of liquids, rheological measurements, determination of non-Newtonian behaviour (pseudoplasticity, dilatancy, reopexia, thixotropy), fluence, kinematic and dynamic viscosity

We specialise in the hydrodynamic analysis of fluids, rheological measurements, and the determination of non-Newtonian behaviour, including pseudoplasticity, dilatancy, reopexia, thixotropy, fluence, kinematic and dynamic viscosity measurements. Below we describe in detail the equipment used and its characteristics:

Equipment Type: Rheotest Two-Cylinder Couette Type Viscometer (Mechanik Prüfgerate Medingen)

  • Viscosity Measuring Range: Our viscometer allows the measurement of viscosity in the range from 1 to 1.8 x 10^7 cPoise, which allows the testing of a wide range of liquids.
  • Shear stress: the instrument is capable of measuring shear stress in the range from 16 to 3 x 10^4 dyn/cm^2, allowing the analysis of fluid behaviour at different load levels.
  • Shear rate: The shear rate ranges from 0.2 to 1.3 x 10^3 sec^-1, which allows the analysis of the viscosity variation of liquids at different speeds.
  • Temperature Range:The instrument can be used in a temperature range of 10-150°C, allowing changes in rheological properties to be investigated under different temperature conditions.

Our service offers flexible and accurate methods to determine the rheological properties of liquids, whether Newtonian or non-Newtonian behaviour. The equipment we use allows us to measure viscosity, shear stress and shear rate over a wide range, as well as to study the effect of temperature. This can help you to develop and optimise your products and to better understand the behaviour of fluids in different applications.

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