Numerical (CFD) investigation of flow processes

Our competence revolves around providing cutting-edge numerical modeling of flow conditions in fluid engineering equipment and specialized spaces. Additionally, we specialize in the numerical investigation of heat exchange processes in thermal engineering equipment using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). This capability enables us to cost-effectively and swiftly study industrial processes, adhering to contemporary requirements. Our expertise in modeling various flow and thermal engineering processes allows us to support industrial entities in achieving their research and industrial goals.


  • Complex investigations through numerical modeling of flow and thermal engineering processes in industrial equipment and machines
  • Determination of measurement instrument locations and typical flow conditions using tests
  • Formulating proposals for the operation or further development of machines and equipment based on test results
  • Examination of flow and heat engineering systems with a comprehensive approach


  • Calculation of time-constant and time-varying processes
  • Fluid analysis of single and multiphase media
  • Investigation of laminar and turbulent flows
  • Calculation of heat conduction, heat transfer, and heat radiation
  • Modeling of moving parts relative to each other (e.g., simulation of flow in turbochargers)
  • Determination of the flow behavior of powders with different fraction distributions
  • Chemical reactions and combustion modeling
  • Determination of static and dynamic loads
  • Preparation of flow tasks related to or adaptable to other fields


  • Software: ANSYS CFD and Mechanical, scTetra, scFlow, OpenFlow, MATLAB, C++, OCTAVE, etc.
  • Hardware: SUN Fire X4600 (4 processors, 256GB memory); 14 HP-Z440 workstations for various tasks; additional networked tools for larger computing tasks


  • Development of turbulence generators – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Projekt
  • Noise reduction and furnace space inspection – Robert Bosch Energy and Body Systems Ltd.
  • Tank dynamic load test – BorsodChem Ltd.
  • Energy efficiency improvement of refrigeration furniture, noise reduction of vacuum cleaners, vacuum cleaner head development – ELECTROLUX Lehel Ltd.
  • Thermal and flow engineering modeling of heat treatment furnaces and reactors – TÜKI Ltd., MOL-Group, TVK Ltd., Columbian Tiszai Koromgyártó Ltd., MAL Ltd., Zoltek Ltd.
  • Computer simulation and modeling of superfast aerobic degradation – GINOP-2.2.1-15-2017-00069 project
  • Energetic analysis of the smoke passage of a coke extinguisher – ISD Kokszoló Ltd.
  • Determining the system of tools required for modeling flow and thermal engineering processes in an engine – Rába VKE K1438
  • Flow modeling of noise protection halls of new compressor stations in Croatian transit Báta and Városföld – Olajterv Fővállalkozó és Tervező Ltd.
  • Numerical modeling of gas pipelines – FGSZ Ltd. (with a self-developed program)

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