Logistical quality assurance

The core of our competence lies in logistics quality assurance, aligning with DIN EN 9000:2000 standards. We gauge the effectiveness of logistics processes and systems based on the logistics quality concept, ensuring they meet the desired performance standards expected by the customer.


Assessing and devising remedial methods for:

  • Storage errors, delivery errors
  • Loading errors, collection errors
  • Distribution errors, sorting errors
  • Classification errors, packaging errors
  • Labeling errors, identification errors


  • Development of logistics processes quality assurance
  • Application of quality management methods (CRM, QFD, benchmarking, prevention procedures, error analysis, etc.) for enhancing logistics processes
  • Mathematical evaluation of logistics quality assurance parameters
  • Operation of a laboratory suitable for examining logistics activities
  • Collaborative methods developed with Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg and the Fraunhofer Institute in Magdeburg
  • Utilization of various standards


  • Collaborative research for enhancing logistics activities at the ÁTI Depo Miskolc site
  • Audit of the logistics activities at TÉKISZ
  • Review and modernization of the petroleum coke transport and storage system at MOL's Százhalombatta plant
  • Logistics system development at DUNAFERR
  • Product tracking system development at the Borsod Brewery

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