Drilling of fluid extraction wells

The University of Miskolc, leveraging its knowledge, experience, and state-of-the-art infrastructure, stands ready to assist industrial partners in research and problem-solving related to the drilling of oil, gas, and geothermal wells. Our competence extends to conducting measurements concerning drilling mud and cements, addressing the needs of both production and injection wells.


  • Rheological properties of water- and oil-based drilling fluid
    • Room temperature (LPLT) and HPHT conditions
    • Density
    • Viscosity
    • Shear stress and shear rate relationship (LPLT and HPHT conditions)
    • Static and/or dynamic filtration: filter paper or artificial core or real core samples (LPLT and HPHT conditions)
    • Aging of mud samples (static or dynamic)
    • Differential sticking measurement
    • Permeability plugging tester
  • Cement slurries and cement rock analysis
    • Cement sample preparation and testing (API base cement, resilient cement, foam cement, or alternative cement materials) on LPLT and HPHT conditions
    • Cement slurry density
    • Cement slurry rheology (LPLT or elevated temperature)
    • Water release experiment
    • Cement hardening (consistency) test for setting rate and pumpability time determination
    • Preparation of solid cement samples for porosity and permeability measurements and compressive strength tests
    • Curing of cement samples according to API standards (even in a water bath for 28 days)
    • Aging of cement samples (at room temperature or specified pressures and temperatures)


  • Mixers, sample molds, fluid balances, ovens
  • HPHT viscometer
  • HPHT filter press
  • Sticking Tester


  • Filtration tests of calcium-based formation-preserving drilling fluid for MOL PLC
  • Testing of oil-based drilling fluid
  • Testing of lubricating oils with CNT content

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