Numerical studies in flow and thermal engineering

Our numerical simulation laboratory has the following equipment and software for numerical studies in the field of flow and thermal engineering:

  1. Workstations:
    • 1 TYAN TX46 four-processor workstation (8 cores, 32 GB memory)
    • 1 SUN FIRE X4600 eight-processor workstation (32 cores, 256 GB memory)
    • 14 HP Workstation computers in the teaching and research computer laboratory
  2. Software:
    • ANSYS Workbench – FLUENT software
      • Designed for academic-level numerical studies

This equipment and software enables the laboratory to perform a wide range of numerical simulations in the field of fluid dynamics and thermal engineering. The available resources, including multiprocessor workstations and ANSYS Workbench software, support detailed investigations and modelling of problems related to thermodynamic and fluid dynamics phenomena.

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