Determination of grain size and zeta potential by dynamic light scattering

The following apparatus is used in the test “Determination of mesh size and zeta potential by dynamic light scattering”:

Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS:

  • Particle and molecular size measurement range: 0.3 nm – 10.0 µm (diameter)
  • Minimum sample volume: 12 µL
  • Sensitivity: 0.1 mg/mL

Zeta potential:

  • Measuring range: 3.8 nm – 100 µm (diameter)
  • Minimum sample volume: 150 µL
  • Sensitivity: 10 mg/mL

With the new Zeta Potential Meter of our laboratory, you now have the possibility to determine the zeta potential of concentrated suspensions, monitor their electrical conductivity and monitor their pH. This sophisticated instrument is suitable for testing a wide range of materials and suspensions and provides accurate and reliable measurements in many applications.

This instrument allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the electrical properties of the suspension of the substances under test and to obtain important information on the stability and interactions of particles by measuring the zeta potential.

Trust the experienced professionals in our laboratory and benefit from the precision and accuracy of the Zeta Potential Meter for your tests!

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