Geothermal system

Assisting industry stakeholders in the intricate investigation and resolution of issues related to the exploration and utilization of geothermal energy, particularly in medium and high-depth geothermal systems.


Determination of geothermal energy potential, sustainable utilization of geothermal energy, planning the installation of geothermal
systems from low enthalpy to high enthalpy systems, reducing risks of geothermal investments.


  • Well and area-level geothermal energy potential determination
  • Sustainable thermal water production and utilization
  • Geothermal heat and power generation
  • Risk assessment for geothermal investments
  • Design of geothermal well drilling and production equipment
  • Hydrodynamic and heat transport modeling


  • GMS (Groundwater Modeling System)
  • Processing Modflow MTH 3D
  • PHREEQC (geochemical modeling)


  • CHPM2030 Combined Heat, Power, and Metal Extraction H2020 project;
  • REFLECT Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions H2020 project;
  • PULSE GINOP project – Development of enhanced engineering methods for the utilization of subterranean energy resources;
  • MVM Group: Possibilities of geothermal power plant development (R&D&I study), 2017

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