Packaging logistics process simulation

Competence Area: Packaging Logistics Process Planning and Development

The primary focus of this competence area is the planning and development of packaging logistics processes through simulation modeling, gaining significance in light of growing environmental awareness.


  • Evaluation of packaging processes
  • Design of packaging logistics processes
  • Development of packaging logistics processes


  • Design and development of packaging logistics processes
  • Providing needle-like training for simulation testing of packaging processes


  • Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Industrial Version
  • Factory CAD software
  • 12 teaching workstations


  • Development of parametric simulation test models for the test of material flow system variants of engines and associated unit cargo training devices between take-off and drop-off points for AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt.
  • Carrying out innovative design tasks for warehouse design and production line material supply for CLAAS Hungária Kft.
  • Determination of the storage capacity of the coffers for ISI Automotive Hungary Kft.

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