Engineering geology, soil mechanics and geotechnics

The University of Miskolc has a robust tradition in the fields of engineering geology, soil mechanics, and geotechnics, focusing on the study and research of the physical and mechanical effects of the built environment on soil. The Soil and Rock Testing Laboratory aims to engage with various segments of the construction industry through collaboration with industrial partners. In Hungary, geotechnical preparation and inspection activities are crucial, particularly in sectors such as the construction of motorways, roads, railway tracks, stadiums, and the revision and construction of flood reservoirs and dam systems.


  • Execution of soil investigation and sampling
  • Classification of soils with laboratory measurement
  • Measurement of the shear strength of soil
  • Compressibility test of soil
  • Permeability test of soil
  • Wide spectrum of geotechnical software modeling
  • Compilation and review of soil test reports
  • Rock mechanical measurements
  • Project management


  • Wille flexible wall permeameter
  • Rigid wall permeameter
  • Field infiltrometer, oedometer equipment
  • MTV-GG 2007 large-scale shear machine (custom development)
  • Triaxial cells; shear machines, Proctor tester, determination of water storage characteristics, soil classification, Enslin-Neff equipment
  • Manual and mechanical soil mechanical drilling, DP tester, and inclinometers
  • Field and laboratory tools for water sampling, Surfer, Grapher software packages
  • Geo5 software packages


  • University of Miskolc – Soil investigation report for the construction permit plan of the planned EMC hall of the University of Miskolc
  • Golder Associates Zrt. – Carrying out soil mechanics laboratory tests of soil samples and providing measurement results for testing barrier liners of landfills
  • Control measurements of the motion monitoring network of the eastern hillside of Avas in Miskolc
  • Perlit-92 Kft. – Preparation of a hydrogeological expert opinion revealing the hydrogeological reasons for the landslide of the tailings dump at Pálháza

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